Division 1: Jonathan N. Reiter
Division 2: Mark B. Valpredo, VICE-PRESIDENT
Division 3: Michael P. Blaine, ASSISTANT SECRETARY
Division 4: Colby Fry, ASSISTANT TREASURER
Division 5: Kyle G. Richardson
Division 6: Jeffrey R. Mettler, TREASURER
Division 7: Jose B. Marin, SECRETARY
Division 8: Dennis J. Atkinson, PRESIDENT
Division 9: Allen E. Lyda
Barbich, Hooper, King, Dill, Hoffman
5001 E. Commercenter Drive, Suite 350
P. O. Box 11171
Bakersfield, CA 93389
Law Offices of Young Wooldridge (Steve Torigiani)
Westchester Corporate Plaza
1800 30th Street, Fourth Floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Our next Regular Board Meeting will be held:
February 12, 2025 at 8:00 A.M.
Please note the public portion of the meeting will begin at or right after 9:30 A.M.
Our Regular Board Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at our District Headquarters:
12109 Highway 166
Bakersfield, CA 93313
This month’s meeting is being held in person and via teleconference.
The Wheeler Ridge – Maricopa Water Storage District Board of Directors is comprised of nine members, each of whom is a District landowner or designated or legal representative of a landowner. Board elections are biennial occurring in each odd year on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March, and Directors are elected to four-year terms of office. The schedule below lists the upcoming elections for each division:
2025 for Divisions 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and appointments to vacancies since 2021.
2027 for Divisions 2, 4, 5, 9 and appointments to vacancies since 2023.